A mutable class that represents a class in the bytecode
The MutableConstantPool of the class
The constant of the name of the class
The constant of the super name of the class
The flags of the class
The constants of the interfaces of the class
The subclasses of the class
The methods of the class
The fields of the class
The attributes of the class
See also
Creates a MutableClass with the given pool, nameConstant, superNameConstant, flags, interfacesConstants, subClasses, methods, fields and attributes
The attributes of the class
The subclasses of the class
The interfaces of the class
The constants of the interfaces of the class
The methods of the class
The index of a ConstantPoolEntry.Utf8Constant constant in the ConstantPool that represents the name of the class
The MutableConstantPool of the class
The subclasses of the class
The index of a ConstantPoolEntry.Utf8Constant constant in the ConstantPool that represents the super name of the class