
This class is an input stream that reads from another input stream and counts the read bytes





The input stream to count the read bytes from


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constructor(data: InputStream)

Creates a new CountingInputStream


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Returns a BufferedInputStream that reads from this input stream.

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The count of read bytes from the input stream

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val count: Long

The count of read bytes from the input stream

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Returns a CountingInputStream that reads from this input stream.

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Returns a DataInputStream that reads from this input stream.

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The count of read operations from the input stream

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Returns a BufferedInputStream that reads from this input stream.


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Returns a BufferedInputStream that reads from this input stream.

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Returns a CountingInputStream that reads from this input stream.

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Returns a DataInputStream that reads from this input stream.

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open override fun available(): Int

Gets the number of bytes that can be read from the input stream without blocking and without increasing the count

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open override fun close()

Closes the input stream

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open override fun mark(readlimit: Int)

Marks the current position in the input stream

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open override fun markSupported(): Boolean

Checks if the input stream supports marking/resetting

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open override fun read(): Int

Reads a single byte from the input stream and increases the count by one

open override fun read(b: ByteArray): Int
open override fun read(b: ByteArray, off: Int, len: Int): Int

Reads bytes from the input stream and increases the count by the number of read bytes

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open override fun readNBytes(n: Int): ByteArray

Reads bytes from the input stream and increases the count by the number of read bytes

open override fun readNBytes(b: ByteArray, off: Int, len: Int): Int

Reads bytes from the input streamand increases the count by the number of read bytes

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open override fun reset()

Resets the input stream to the last marked position

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open override fun skip(n: Long): Long

Skips bytes from the input stream and increases the count by the number of skipped bytes

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open override fun toString(): String