Package-level declarations


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open class CreationShakeConstructor(val clazz: CreationShakeClass, val body: CreationShakeCode, val isStrict: Boolean, val isPrivate: Boolean, val isProtected: Boolean, val isPublic: Boolean, val isNative: Boolean, val name: String? = null, var parameters: List<CreationShakeParameter>) : ShakeConstructor
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open class CreationShakeField(val project: CreationShakeProject, val pkg: CreationShakePackage?, val clazz: CreationShakeClass?, val parentScope: CreationShakeScope, val name: String, val isStatic: Boolean, val isFinal: Boolean, val isAbstract: Boolean, val isPrivate: Boolean, val isProtected: Boolean, val isPublic: Boolean, val isNative: Boolean, val initialValue: CreationShakeValue?, val type: CreationShakeType, val expanding: CreationShakeType?) : CreationShakeDeclaration, CreationShakeAssignable, ShakeField
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class CreationShakeMethod(val prj: CreationShakeProject, val pkg: CreationShakePackage?, val clazz: CreationShakeClass?, val parentScope: CreationShakeScope, val name: String, val body: CreationShakeCode?, val isStatic: Boolean, val isFinal: Boolean, val isAbstract: Boolean, val isSynchronized: Boolean, val isStrict: Boolean, val isPrivate: Boolean, val isProtected: Boolean, val isPublic: Boolean, val isNative: Boolean, val isOperator: Boolean, val returnType: CreationShakeType, val parameters: List<CreationShakeParameter>, val expanding: ShakeType?) : CreationShakeInvokable, ShakeMethod
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open class CreationShakePackage(val baseProject: CreationShakeProject, val name: String, val parent: CreationShakePackage? = null, val subpackages: MutableList<CreationShakePackage> = mutableListOf(), val classes: MutableList<CreationShakeClass> = mutableListOf(), val functions: MutableList<CreationShakeMethod> = mutableListOf(), val fields: MutableList<CreationShakeField> = mutableListOf()) : ShakePackage
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class CreationShakeParameter(val project: CreationShakeProject, val name: String, val type: ShakeType, var actualValue: CreationShakeValue? = null, var actualType: ShakeType = type) : ShakeParameter, CreationShakeDeclaration
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class CreationShakeProject(processor: ShakeASTProcessor, val subpackages: MutableList<CreationShakePackage> = mutableListOf()) : ShakeProject
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abstract class CreationShakeType(val name: String) : ShakeType


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