A wrapper for a string-encoded value
See also
Creates a new CommanderValue
Validate the value using a CommanderValueValidator to a boolean
Validate the value using a CommanderValueValidatorLambda to a boolean
Is the value a negative byte?
Is the value a negative double?
Is the value a negative float?
Is the value a negative int?
Is the value a negative long?
Is the value a negative short?
Is the value not a boolean?
Is the value not a double?
Is the value not a float?
Is the value not a negative byte?
Is the value not a negative double?
Is the value not a negative float?
Is the value not a negative int?
Is the value not a negative long?
Is the value not a negative short?
Is the value not a positive byte?
Is the value not a positive double?
Is the value not a positive float?
Is the value not a positive int?
Is the value not a positive long?
Is the value not a positive short?
Is the value not a short?
Is the value not a string?
Is the value not an unsigned byte?
Is the value not an unsigned int?
Is the value not an unsigned long?
Is the value not an unsigned short?
Is the value a positive byte?
Is the value a positive double?
Is the value a positive float?
Is the value a positive int?
Is the value a positive long?
Is the value a positive short?
Is the value an unsigned byte?
Is the value an unsigned int?
Is the value an unsigned long?
Is the value an unsigned short?
Validate the value using a CommanderValueValidator to a boolean
Validate the value using a CommanderValueValidatorLambda to a boolean
Convert the value to a specific type (using a CommanderValueTransformer)
Convert the value to a specific type (using a CommanderValueTransformerLambda)
Convert the value to a boolean or a default value
Convert the value to a boolean or null
Convert the value to a byte or a default value
Convert the value to a byte or null
Convert the value to a char or a default value
Convert the value to a char or null
Convert the value to a double or a default value
Convert the value to a double or null
Convert the value to a float or a default value
Convert the value to a float or null
Convert the value to an int or a default value
Convert the value to an int or null
Convert the value to a long or a default value
Convert the value to a long or null
Convert the value to a negative byte
Convert the value to a negative byte or a default value
Convert the value to a negative byte or null
Convert the value to a negative double
Convert the value to a negative double or a default value
Convert the value to a negative double or null
Convert the value to a negative float
Convert the value to a negative float or a default value
Convert the value to a negative float or null
Convert the value to a negative int
Convert the value to a negative int or a default value
Convert the value to a negative int or null
Convert the value to a negative long
Convert the value to a negative long or a default value
Convert the value to a negative long or null
Convert the value to a negative short
Convert the value to a negative short or a default value
Convert the value to a negative short or null
Convert the value to a specific type (using a CommanderValueTransformer) or a default value
Convert the value to a specific type (using a CommanderValueTransformerLambda) or a default value
Convert the value to a specific type (using a CommanderValueTransformer) or null
Convert the value to a specific type (using a CommanderValueTransformerLambda) or null
Convert the value to a positive byte
Convert the value to a positive byte or a default value
Convert the value to a positive byte or null
Convert the value to a positive double
Convert the value to a positive double or a default value
Convert the value to a positive double or null
Convert the value to a positive float
Convert the value to a positive float or a default value
Convert the value to a positive float or null
Convert the value to a positive int
Convert the value to a positive int or a default value
Convert the value to a positive int or null
Convert the value to a positive long
Convert the value to a positive long or a default value
Convert the value to a positive long or null
Convert the value to a positive short
Convert the value to a positive short or a default value
Convert the value to a positive short or null
Convert the value to a short or a default value
Convert the value to a short or null
Convert the value to a string or a default value
Convert the value to a string or null
Convert the value to an unsigned byte
Convert the value to an unsigned byte or a default value
Convert the value to an unsigned byte or null
Convert the value to an unsigned int
Convert the value to an unsigned int or a default value
Convert the value to an unsigned int or null
Convert the value to an unsigned long
Convert the value to an unsigned long or a default value
Convert the value to an unsigned long or null
Convert the value to an unsigned short
Convert the value to an unsigned short or a default value
Convert the value to an unsigned short or null
Validate the value using a CommanderValueValidator
Validate the value using a CommanderValueValidatorLambda
Validate the value to be a boolean
Validate the value to be a byte
Validate the value to be a char
Validate the value to be a double
Validate the value to be a float
Validate the value to be an int
Validate the value to be a long
Validate the value to be a negative byte
Validate the value to be a negative double
Validate the value to be a negative float
Validate the value to be a negative int
Validate the value to be a negative long
Validate the value to be a negative short
Validate the value not to be null
Validate the value to be null
Validate the value to be a positive byte
Validate the value to be a positive double
Validate the value to be a positive float
Validate the value to be a positive int
Validate the value to be a positive long
Validate the value to be a positive short
Validate the value to be a short
Validate the value to be a string
Validate the value to be an unsigned byte
Validate the value to be an unsigned int
Validate the value to be an unsigned long
Validate the value to be an unsigned short