Escape a character
Escape a character for a character (does not escape the '"' character.)
Escape a character for a string (does not escape the "'" character.)
Escape a string
Escape a string for a character (does not escape the '"' character.)
Escape a string for a string (does not escape the "'" character.)
Get a base 16 char equivalent of an integer
Is the given character a hex character (0-f)
Is the given character a part of an identifier (A-Z, a-z, 0-9 and '_')
Is the given character the start of a identifier (A-Z, a-z and '_', not 0-9)
Is the given character a number character (0-9)
Is the given character a number character (0-9) or a dot character
Is the given character an ignored whitespace character ('\r', '\t' or ' ', not '\n')
Parses string contents. Not including string start & end e.g.