Package-level declarations
A BufferedInputStream is created from an InputStream and buffers the data to make reading faster. (It's recommended to use this class if you want to read data from a InputStream)
A ByteArrayInputStream is an InputStream that reads from a ByteArray
This class is an input stream that reads from another input stream and counts the read bytes
A DataInputStream is a InputStream that can read data from a InputStream
This class is an abstract class for all input streams
Returns a BufferedInputStream that reads from this input stream.
Returns a CountingInputStream that reads from this input stream.
Returns a DataInputStream that reads from this input stream.
Returns a BufferedInputStream that reads from this input stream.
Returns a BufferedInputStream that reads from this input stream.
Returns a CountingInputStream that reads from this input stream.
Returns a DataInputStream that reads from this input stream.
Byte array to BufferedInputStream
Byte array to BufferedInputStream
Byte array to CountingInputStream
Byte array to DataInputStream
Byte array to ByteArrayInputStream
Byte array to ByteArrayInputStream
Byte array to CountingInputStream
Byte array to DataInputStream
Byte array to ByteArrayInputStream