A ShakeField is a field in a ShakeClass or ShakePackage
See also
The actual type of the assignable entity.
The actual value of the assignable entity.
The class this field is in. This is null if the field is not within a class
The initial value of this field
Is this field abstract?
Is this field protected?
The parent scope for initializing this field (the scope of the class or package)
The package this field is in. Also holds the package if this field is in a class
The project this field is in. This also keeps the project if this field is inside a package or class
The qualified name of this field
The unique name of this field
The type resulting when add-assigning this field
The type resulting when assigning this field
The type resulting when decrementing this field (decrement after)
The type resulting when decrementing this field (decrement before)
The type resulting when divide-assigning this field
The type resulting when incrementing this field (increment after)
The type resulting when incrementing this field (increment before)
The type resulting when modulus-assigning this field
The type resulting when multiply-assigning this field
The type resulting when power-assigning this field
The type resulting when subtract-assigning this field