Package-level declarations


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A LinkedList-based stream that can be appended to

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class ArrayStream<T>(array: Array<T>) : Stream<T>

Create a stream from an array

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class FlatStream<T>(stream: Stream<out Stream<T>>) : Stream<T>

A stream that flattens a stream of streams

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class IndexedMapStream<T, R>(stream: Stream<T>, mapper: (Int, T) -> R) : Stream<R>
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class IteratorStream<T>(iterator: Iterator<T>) : Stream<T>

Create a stream from an iterator

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class ListStream<T>(list: List<T>) : Stream<T>

Create a stream from a list The stream internally uses the list's iterator (because, depending on the list's implementation, there might be performance gains over using the list's get method)

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class MapStream<T, R>(stream: Stream<T>, mapper: (T) -> R) : Stream<R>

Map a stream to another stream

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class SequenceStream<T>(sequence: Sequence<T>) : Stream<T>

Create a stream from a sequence

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interface Stream<T>

A stream is a sequence of elements that can be read one by one


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fun <T> Stream<out Stream<T>>.flatten(): FlatStream<T>
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Create a Stream from an Array

Create a Stream from an Iterator

fun <T> List<T>.stream(): ListStream<T>

Create a Stream from a List

Create a Stream from a Sequence

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fun <T> streamOf(vararg elements: T): IteratorStream<T>

Create a Stream from a Sequence