
open class TokenBasedTokenInputStream<TT : TokenType, T : Token<TT>>(val tokens: Array<T>, val map: PositionMap) : TokenInputStream<TT, T> (source)

A TokenBasedTokenInputStream provides the Tokens for a Parser. It is created by a lexer



the TokenType of the Tokens


the Tokens


the PositionMap of the Tokens

  • @since 0.1.0


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constructor(tokens: Array<T>, map: PositionMap)


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open override val actual: T

Get the actual Token from the TokenBasedTokenInputStream without increasing the position

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open val actualEnd: Int

Returns the end of the actual token

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Checks if the actual token without changing the actual token

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open val actualStart: Int

Returns the start of the actual token

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open val actualType: TT

Returns the type of the actual token

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open val actualValue: String?

Returns the value of the actual

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open override val map: PositionMap

The PositionMap of the Tokens

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open override var position: Int

The position of the TokenBasedTokenInputStream

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open override val size: Int
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open override val source: String

The source of the TokenBasedTokenInputStream

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open val tokens: Array<T>

The tokenTypes that are contained in the TokenBasedTokenInputStream


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open operator fun get(position: Int): T

Get a specific token from the TokenBasedTokenInputStream

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open fun getEnd(position: Int): Int

Get the end of specific token from the TokenBasedTokenInputStream by it's position

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open fun getHasValue(position: Int): Boolean

Check if specific token from the TokenBasedTokenInputStream has a value (by it's position)

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open fun getStart(position: Int): Int

Get the start of specific token from the TokenBasedTokenInputStream by its position

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open fun getType(position: Int): TT

Get the type of specific token from the TokenBasedTokenInputStream by its position

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open fun getValue(position: Int): String?

Get the value of specific token from the TokenBasedTokenInputStream by it's position

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open override fun has(num: Int): Boolean

Check if the TokenBasedTokenInputStream has a specific amount of Tokens left

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open operator override fun hasNext(): Boolean

Check if the TokenBasedTokenInputStream has a next Token

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open operator override fun next(): T

Get the next Token from the TokenBasedTokenInputStream

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open fun nextType(): TT

Returns the type of the next token of the TokenInputStream (and skips)

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open fun nextValue(): String?

Returns the next token of the TokenInputStream

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open override fun peek(): T

Get the next Token from the TokenBasedTokenInputStream without increasing the position

open override fun peek(offset: Int): T

Get a specific Token from the TokenBasedTokenInputStream without increasing the position

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open fun peekEnd(): Int

Returns the end of the next token without changing the actual token

open fun peekEnd(offset: Int): Int

Peek the token end at the given index

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open fun peekHasValue(): Boolean

Checks if the next token of the TokenInputStream has a value without skipping

open fun peekHasValue(offset: Int): Boolean

Checks if the token at the given offset of the TokenInputStream has a value without changing the actual token

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open fun peekStart(): Int

Returns the start of the next token without changing the actual token

open fun peekStart(offset: Int): Int

Peek the token start at the given index

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open fun peekType(): TT

Returns the type of the next token without changing the actual token

open fun peekType(offset: Int): TT

Peek the token type at the given index

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open fun peekValue(): String?

Returns the value of the next token without changing the actual token

open fun peekValue(offset: Int): String?

Peek the token value at the given index

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fun reset()

Reset the TokenBasedTokenInputStream to the start

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open override fun skip()

Skip the next Token from the TokenBasedTokenInputStream

open override fun skip(amount: Int)

Skip a specific amount of Tokens from the TokenBasedTokenInputStream

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open override fun toString(): String