A TokenBasedTokenInputStream provides the Tokens for a Parser. It is created by a lexer
the Tokens
@param tokens the Tokens that are contained in the TokenBasedTokenInputStream
the PositionMap of the Tokens
@since 0.1.0
Get the actual Token from the TokenBasedTokenInputStream without increasing the position
Checks if the actual token without changing the actual token
Returns the start of the actual token
Returns the type of the actual token
Returns the value of the actual
The PositionMap of the Tokens
The position of the TokenBasedTokenInputStream
The size of the TokenBasedTokenInputStream
The source of the TokenBasedTokenInputStream
The tokenTypes that are contained in the TokenBasedTokenInputStream
Get a specific token from the TokenBasedTokenInputStream
Get the end of specific token from the TokenBasedTokenInputStream by it's position
Check if specific token from the TokenBasedTokenInputStream has a value (by it's position)
Get the start of specific token from the TokenBasedTokenInputStream by its position
Get the type of specific token from the TokenBasedTokenInputStream by its position
Get the value of specific token from the TokenBasedTokenInputStream by it's position
Check if the TokenBasedTokenInputStream has a next Token
Get the next Token from the TokenBasedTokenInputStream
Returns the type of the next token of the TokenInputStream (and skips)
Returns the next token of the TokenInputStream
Get the next Token from the TokenBasedTokenInputStream without increasing the position
Get a specific Token from the TokenBasedTokenInputStream without increasing the position
Checks if the next token of the TokenInputStream has a value without skipping
Checks if the token at the given offset of the TokenInputStream has a value without changing the actual token
Reset the TokenBasedTokenInputStream to the start
Skip the next Token from the TokenBasedTokenInputStream
Skip a specific amount of Tokens from the TokenBasedTokenInputStream
Return the TokenBasedTokenInputStream as a String