A modifiable PositionMarker that stores the positions of the line-separators
Getter for PositionMaker.line
The list of line-separators
The location of the PositionMaker
The source of the PositionMaker
Creates a Position from the PositionMaker at the actual location. The PositionMap is only working to the actual position
Creates a PositionMap from the PositionMaker. This function only works after the position is looped through
Get amount of characters after the Position in the line
Get amount of characters after the Position in the line Similar to getAfterInLine but with the index of the Position instead of the Position itself
Increases the PositionMaker.index and PositionMaker.column
Increases the PositionMaker.index and PositionMaker.line and sets the PositionMaker.column to 1
Returns a string-representation of the PositionMaker