Package-level declarations
A colored LoggerPipe implemented in common code (using println) For coloring the output the com.shakelang.util.colorlib is used (So we use ascii formatting commands)
A LoggerPipe implemented in common code (using println)
This object contains some common transformer combinations
This object contains some common transformers
A DebuggerDumpConfiguration is a configuration for the debug function It contains the Logger to use and the paths that will be shown in the debug output
The global debug configuration
Html console (A HTML console to print messages to)
Pipe for colored logs into java console (System.out + System.err for errors)
Pipe for logs into java console (System.out + System.err for errors)
Pipe for colored logs to the browser console (using css styles)
Pipe for colored logs to the terminal (using ANSI escape codes)
Pipe for logs to the terminal / browser console
A Logger is used to log messages
A LoggerPipe is a pipe output for the Logger
A LogMessageCreator is a utility to dynamically create a log message when it is needed. This can be used to save performance when the log message is not needed
A lambda to create a log message
A LogTransformer transforms a log message before it is logged
A LoggerPipe that transforms the message before putting it into the next pipe